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Complementary Services


During your stay at the Ayurveda Parkschlösschen, we offer complementary services in addition to our Ayurveda programmes. Besides physiotherapy or craniosacral therapy, you can also book cosmetic treatments or Ayurvedic psychology consultations.


Physiotherapy sessions in combination with Ayurveda treatments have proven to be particularly effective. Our experienced physiotherapists are available for you on request.

Craniosacral Therapy

Manual therapy as a gentle supplement

Craniosacral therapy is a holistic, gentle, non-invasive treatment method for the head, spine and sacrum and is also a good complement to the Ayurveda treatments at the Parkschlösschen. The treatment is experienced as deeply relaxing.

Mental Detox

Professional psychotherapeutic support during your stay to help with emotional issues. Our Ayurveda psychology consultant Kathleen Landbeck will be happy to accompany you professionally on your way to more mental clarity and inner peace. Strengthen your mental resilience, discover and develop your own mental strength in Mental Detox Sessions. For a boost in self-confidence and joie de vivre!


Follow-up appointments via Skype after your stay are possible.

Ayurvedic and Classic Cosmetics

Our cosmetics department focuses on using truly in-depth techniques and high-quality ingredients. For that reason, we have chosen the certified natural cosmetics brand PHARMOS NATUR. It uses the 100% pure, aloin-free, substance-rich and regenerating aloe vera plant gel instead of water. The highlight in every cosmetic treatment is the aloe vera fresh plant leaf application.

Our Inclusive Services

Supporting Programme during your Stay

To ensure that your stay at the Ayurveda Parkschlösschen has as lasting an effect as possible, we offer you a variety of supplementary Ayurveda programmes.


Our Ayurveda experts give daily lectures on topics such as Ayurveda basics, nutrition, intestinal health, stress management, psychology, yoga and meditation. In addition to the daily yoga and meditation activities, we offer special yoga and movement sessions at regular intervals, such as yoga for the back, forest bathing in the park or pranayama.

Feedback from a guest

“Complex processes in the body and mind explained in an entertaining way. I took a lot with me and my life has changed for the better since then. I treat myself more carefully – even under stress.”
Geraldine A.


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